Crossroads Church is about life change — it’s written on our wall in our lobbies and it’s written on the hearts of every employee and volunteer. We have all had our lives changed — in one way or another — by Jesus. And we all have stories to tell about it. The bible was filled with stories of life change — why would today be any different?
We invite you to have your life changed by stories of people who have gone on the One Journey.

Alysse’s Story

Amelia’s Story
I was baptized as an infant and that was a decision my parents made for me. Now, 21 years later, I am making the intentional decision to be...

Audrey’s story

Barak’s Story

Bob’s Story
I am originally from Howard County and moved to Carroll County sixteen years ago. It took me ten years to find a church I was truly...

Brian’s Story

Brittany’s Story
I accepted Christ into my heart about 3 years ago after attending Starting Point and fully understanding what Jesus did for us on the...

Christine’s Story
My name is Christine Grasser and I’m so happy to be able to be baptized and place all of my faith in Christ. I was born and raised in the...

Chuck ward’s Story
At a very early age, I grew up in a christian home. My mother took me to church. I attended Sunday school where they taught me about simple...

Chuck’s Story
I grew up in a very dysfunctional home where I had to figure out how to function with little or no guidance or structure. As a result, I...

Corbin’s Story

Darlene’s Story
My story starts when I was in my 20s, I worked for a jewish family owned business. One of the employees was a Christian lady who always...

Donna’s Story
On November 8, 2019 I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, even though I don’t smoke. I was angry and bitter at God. You see, I had a...

Emma’s Story
Baptism has been stirring within my heart for some time. I grew up in the church but struggled to truly know what it meant to be a...

Fiona’s Story
I was lucky enough to be raised in a Christian family. I was brought to church when I was a baby. That’s how I learned about our...

Jackson’s Story
About 2 ½ years ago, I gave my life to Christ after being convicted through videos on tiktok. Since then, I’ve been radically changed...

James’ Story

Jay’s Story
One More Have you ever felt stuck in your relationship with God? Have you felt like you were called to do more, reach out, not just serve...

Jessica’s Story
God has given me so much grace, and keeps bringing me back to him from the depths of personal hell I want to start fresh and cleanse my...

Joe’s Story
On July 6, 1973, at Young Life’s Silver Cliff Ranch in Colorado, I came to understand in my mind and heart who Jesus is and his relevance...

John’s Story
Dear Church / Small Group Family, I just want to express how grateful I am to you all for caring and praying for me, and for walking beside...

Johnna’s Story
I know that there have been times when my faith has been challenged by my mental health, the people I go to school with, and temptation....

Jordan’s Story
Oh no, that’s Hannah, (my elementary school classmate) – she works for the U.N. or something crazy like that now. Should I avoid her?...

Karen Z’s Story
I grew up in a Christian home going to church my whole life. I was baptized at 17 but by my 20s I was living a sinner’s life. About 40 I...

Karen’s Story

Kerry’s Story
In the spring of 1999, while pregnant with our sixth child, my husband came home and cheerfully stated, “If we have any more children,...

Kim Jackson’s story

Kim Kyle’s story

Kori Myers Story

Lily’s Story
I’ve tried to talk myself out of this for the past few weeks. Telling myself: I’m too young for this. My story doesn’t matter. What...

Lisa’s Story
For my whole life God has been so good to me but that has been made even more clear to me in the past 12 months. I have seen him working in...

Lorelle’s Story
❤️ These photos are a little over 4 years and 4 months apart. ❤️ The photo on the left was taken Valentine’s Day in...

Lynn’s Story

Madison’s Story
When I was first introduced to the Bible, I had very little faith, because I could barely understand God’s word at such a young age....

Mariana’s Story
I was adopted from Romania when I was 2 & grew up in a Christian home, always went to church, youth group etc. I was dedicated when I...

Michele Gibbs’s Story
I answered an altar call and was baptized when I was about 25 years old. After that, I spiraled downhill into the disease of alcoholism. I...

Michelle’s Story

Mike G’s Story
I grew up in a large Catholic family that was very close. I went to church every Sunday & developed a fear of God that kept me on the...

Mike’s Story

Nancy’s Story

Nick’s Story
For a long time I made up excuses. The timing isn’t right, we’re too busy, maybe next time. However, this all changed when I...

Nicole Gasper’s Story
I was brought up in a dysfunctional home and parents. My mom was forced out of our house by my dad when I was in the 4th grade. I was on my...

Patrice’s Story

Raymond’s Story
I have been away from Jesus for a long time. A friend told me about Crossroads, and I’ve enjoyed the Sunday sermons. Everyone at...

Rebecca’s Story
Have you ever felt so broken that you didn’t believe you deserved true happiness? God has a way of fixing that, even when you aren’t...

Reid’s Story

Ricky’s story

Robert’s Story

Ted’s Story

The Anderson’s Story

The Story of Crossroads Church

Tim’s Story

Tony’s Story

Tracie’s Story
This was never going to happen to me/us. Divorce. A family torn apart. Then, it did. Fifteen years into our seemingly happy marriage, my...

Will’s story
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