

Plug into a ministry and use your gifts to serve others. Wanting to get involved, but don’t know where to start? Check out these areas!

Children's Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)

Love babies, toddlers, elementary school kids? We are committed to providing our children a fun, safe environment to experience and hear about the love of Christ. Join one of our children ministry teams and be blessed.

Westminster Campus: To volunteer in I-5 (infants and preschoolers) or in 252 (K-5th grade program), contact Barak Fredrickson.

Hampstead Campus: To volunteer in I-5 (infants and preschoolers) or in 252 (K-5th grade program), contact Lisa Bowen.

Eldersburg Campus: To volunteer in I-5 or 252, contact Luke Fry.

Community Center: To volunteer with Kids Club, contact Karen Strine.

Online Application to Serve: Online Application

Student Ministries (6th-12th Grades)

If you love Christ and teens, this is the serving opportunity for you. We need small group leaders, creative entertainers, speakers, large group leaders and tech/sound support.

Westminster Campus: Barak

Hampstead Campus: Steph

Eldersburg Campus: Jono

Online Application to Serve: Online Application

Guest Services

We want each person who walks through our doors to feel valued and important, because each person is dearly loved by God. We would love to have you on our team! If any of the opportunities below call to you and you would like to serve with us, we would love to have you on board! Complete the form for the campus you’d like to serve at and we will be in touch: Eldersburg | Hampstead | Westminster.

Questions? Contact Mary Shinholt for Westminster, Michelle Bauer for Hampstead and Dawn Penrod for Eldersburg.

— Check-In Team
— Event Team
— Greeter Team
— Medical Team
— Next Steps Center Team
— Parking Team
— Pray Now Team
— Security Team
— Usher Team
— Volunteer Central Food Providers
— Volunteer Central Team

Practical Care

If you are interested in helping out someone in need by providing meals, a ride, help with yard work, cleaning construction, etc., Email us at

Is God calling you to walk alongside of  someone who is going through a difficult or growing season in life?  If you would like to be a mentor, please contact Nancy Howard.


Pray for Others

Service Prayer Ministry: To pray for others alongside of church leadership before and after weekend services, click here.

Prayer Workshop: Throughout the year we offer workshops on inner healing prayer ministry.  Contact Nancy Howard

Worship & Tech Team

Our team exists to present the Character of God and the Gospel of Christ in an intentional and creative way to people from a variety of walks and stages of life.

If your gifts and passions are in music, drama, lighting, sound, technology, video or visual arts, click the link for your location below to see how you can use those gifts to honor God.

Eldersburg Location

Hampstead Location

Westminster Location

All Abilities Ministry

Thrive Camp

Thrive Day Camp is our week long camp to help elementary and middle schoolers with special needs enjoy summer fun in a safe environment and to help families take a break!  Camp includes music, drama Bible teaching, community fun and so much more.


Serving at Capernaum

Capernaum is a ministry with our partner YoungLife that gives young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the chance to experience fun and adventure, to develop fulfilling friendships and to challenge their limits while building self-esteem. For more information on what’s happening with Capernaum, contact Matt Michael. If you are interested in serving in the Capernaum ministry, please apply here.


1:1 Buddies

If you are interested in becoming a 1:1 buddy for a special needs child, please contact the kids ministry contact for the campus you would like to serve:

Westminster: Michelle Coe
Hampstead: Steph Albright
Eldersburg: Dawn Penrod


Club 139

Club 139 is an adaptive ministry for adults who have aged out of Capernaum. We meet the second Tuesday of each month (October – June) at Crossroads Church in Westminster, from 6 – 7:30 pm to enjoy fellowship, pizza and a short message. Our focus is on service projects and extending love and acceptance outside of the church walls. Send us an email if you’d like to serve with us!