Crossroads loves Jesus’ heart for broken, hurting people. People struggling with addiction need to know that freedom is found in an intimate and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. That belief compelled us to establish Crossroads Recovery — a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that will serve as an umbrella organization for addiction recovery ministries.
Justin’s Place, an intensive residential program helping men who struggle with drug, opioid and alcohol addiction find freedom in a relationship with Jesus Christ, is the first local affiliate ministry for Crossroads Community Church under Crossroads Recovery. Justin’s Place has been serving men who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction since 2015 through a two-phase, Christ-centered residential recovery and transition program. Located at 35 West Main Street in downtown Westminster, Justin’s Place provides a small group of men with a two-phase process for recovery and healing:
Phase 1: This 6-8 month entry program provides men with committed staff who walk them through a loving, highly-structured process to begin their new Christ-centered, sober life. The holistic approach includes biblical training, spiritual encouragement, legal assistance, and vocational planning.
Phase 2: Graduates of Phase 1, and other Christ-centered recovery programs, will move into apartments on the same campus and be fully supported in their 12 month transition process. Under the loving encouragement of a team of mentors they will receive assistance in re-establishing healthy relationships with loved ones, gaining employment or vocational training, building healthy personal habits and life skills, and growing in their love for God, self and others.
From Hurting to Whole.

Despite growing up in a stable family in Baltimore, Maryland and graduating from high school, Walter began using drugs while working construction. "Pretty soon I began to use heroin myself and my life fell apart. I ended up in prison and then became homeless, I didn't know where to turn." After many years of struggling and tired of being tired, Walter came to Justin's Place ready to learn and live a clean and sober life. Today Walter is married and overseeing the Justin’s Place property and caring for men coming into the program. The father of 10 has reconciled with his large and extended family and currently serves as a deacon at Crossroads Church.

We exist to help men like Mike Spears. Mike grew up in War, West Virginia. At age 13 he was living on his own after his Dad went to prison and his Mom abandoned him. He started doing drugs and years later was at rock bottom in his addiction, contemplating suicide when he heard about Justin’s Place. With a bus ticket to Maryland and the clothes on his back he came to Maryland to find hope. Today he is 2 years clean, has a great job, good friends, and hope. "No matter what I have going on in my life, I can say I'm 2 years clean and have a good job. By the grace of God I'm alive today and living my best life. I am so grateful for the new life God has given me!"